Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tips To Generate Blog Traffic Using Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools

The main purpose to practice SEO is because we want to get as many blog visitors as we can. If not because of that purpose, there is no need to actively optimize our blog. In this post I would like to share to my readers some tips to generate traffic to our blog using the Google Webmaster Tools.

If you have known on how to make a blog, then you have understood that your blog needs visitors. To get the visitors, we need to do on-page and off-page optimizations. On-page is relating to optimizations we do inside our blog, like writing an article is one of them. In writing an article we have to find and play with right keywords.

That's the purpose of this article which is to invite you doing keyword researches to get the right keywords for your articles. This post is a sequence of my previous post titled Rightest Way To Find Most Searched Keywords In Google. But in this post we are using Google Webmaster Tools service.

The topic will be divided into two sections.

  • First one is finding the high impressions keywords.
  • And the second one is a short tips to optimize the keywords.

Finding keywords with high impressions.

The very first thing you need to do is of course logging into your Google Webmaster Tools account.

If you are on the Google Webmaster Tools dashboard, then select the blog you wish to optimize. You will be directed to the selected blog's dashboard.

To generate traffic to your blog, keyword is one of the keys, you need to target the keywords that are potentially good for increasing your blog's traffic. To do so you can open the Search Traffics -> Search Queries.

You will now see a report containing keywords graphic and most keywords used by Google's users to get to your blog.
Traffic Search Query

As you can see from there are three keywords with different impressions. From that picture you can see that keyword B has the highest impressions (1.600). By the keyword B you have a big chance to generate extra and big blog traffic.

Why do I say a big chance? Please to point your attention to the Average (Avg)-position that only 5.5, meaning from the three keywords only keyword B has the lowest average position. Lowest position relates to lower click rate. As you can see the keyword B has only get 4% for its CTR.

So imagine if you optimize the keyword B and manage to increase its avg-position to 1.5? Of course it will also raise the CTR to the level of 50% that will automatically boost up your click numbers from 60 to 800 clicks.

Time to optimize the keywords

Since you have known the potential keywords, it's time to optimize the keywords. Of course SEO is needed. In now days, SEO is not just throwing links to dofollow websites / blogs like 3 or 4 years ago. Google has set a new strict rule regarding link-building campaigns. Penguin is the watcher, if your blog is fallen in Penguin-hunting season, then it will be extremely hard to recover. Therefore don't spam just to get ranking, because the effect is a total destruction.

Get quality backlink, but don't spam, pour comments on the blogs that being highly trusted by Google. Google ranks website / blog based on trust, if your blog is trusted by Google, the rest of the jobs will be easier. Trust me on that!

And practice internal link-building, meaning link to your other posts (the post you are optimizing) and use the variety of keywords as texts. Don't just use the same keywords time to time, Google dislikes that. Make sure each linked post has the same topic, this will increase the point of the link.

Last but not least, write a quality content. Quality content is content that's really helping your readers with complete information, communicative, and don't forget to include reference to other blogs. Let Google know that you have made research before writing the post.

So what are you waiting for? Use Google Webmaster Tools as your SEO tool to help your generate more traffics to your blog.

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