Showing posts with label How To Wordpress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Wordpress. Show all posts

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Automatically Create Internal Links Building In Wordpress Blog

Today I would like to talk about SEO and WordPress, I hope that anyone visit this page can gain useful knowledge.

We all know that we are in the Google Panda era, a lot of drastic changes added by Google to improve its crawling and indexing process in order to increase user experience using Google.

One of the many changes of Google Panda is internal link got bigger portion in ranking a Blog in Google result page.

In the old days, we hunt external linking to skyrocket our position — don’t get me wrong this factor is still legit — however it’s opening the door for spam activity all over the places.

Therefore in Google panda era, internal link is pushed up to the higher level in deciding a blog's ranking in Google and to identify a blog's relevancy.

Internal linking is regarded is not simply to vote other posts, but Google thinks that the link is our efforts to help our readers to find the relevance posts from the one they are reading.

That’s why Google loves this activity very much...

Let’s build internal linking campaign to your WordPress blog.

Let’s pick your targeted keywords and keyphrase to be linked by all your posts that mention the keywords. Yes this going to be fun activity.

However you might be asking yourself, so do I have to edit my all my posts incuding old posts or pages? If that so, I have hundreds or may be thousands of pages.

Don’t worry my friends, you don’t have to go into that trouble. Because there is WordPress plugin can help you out!

Automatic SEO Links

First off this Wordpres plugin is free, stop opening your Paypal account, okey? With Automatic SEO Links WP plugin you can link to your older, newer or your most latest posts and pages automatically.

I know there are number of WordPress plugins can do similar jobs as Automatic SEO Links, but I prefer this one. Because of its easiness compared with others.

This plugin can be found in the WordPress repository plugin, and once you’ve activated it you can continue to its configuration settings to start linking any posts in your WP blog.

Here is the settings page looks like.

Simply add the new “add link” to start linking to any internal link of your choice.

Automatic SEO WordPress Plugin Settings
Let say I want the WordPress tutorials category to be linked by all my posts that included the WordPress Tutorials keywords within. Then I fill the setting exactly as the following.

Automatic SEO WP Plugin Settings

Additionally: You can set the link to be “nofollow”, do this if you are linking to affiliate link or links you are doubt its authority, or leave it as is for “dofollow” rel. And there is Target option, whether you want the link to be opened in the same tab or new tab.


  • The Automatic SEO Links only links to one keywords or keyphrase between (among) the same keywords in one single post. For example, if in one of your post there are 5 “SEO for WordPress” keywords, then this plugin only link to one keywords. This to avoid the repetitive keywords linking in one post.
  • The Automatic SEO Links only links to keywords or keyphrases in the post and page, NOT in the header, sidebar, footer. Thus your blog won’t be fulled with links.
  • Again, this plugin is free.
  • Now you can start internal linking campaign in your blog and optimize the keywords you are hunting. And the keywords will instantly and automatically wrapped with links from your posts.
Interested to give it a try? Then visit the Automatic SEO Links page in WordPress repository.

This automatic internal link building plugin will help you becoming a successful blogger and dominate Google SERP.

Wordpress Plugins To Encourage Readers To Comment

Many of us still have a wish to have many comments in each of our post, but in the same time, we don’t always get big number of comments as we wish.

People will drop comments according their mood or have a feeling that post they read must be commented but that’s not always happening, unless we comment them back or comment them first, so there’s reciprocal activity here.

Some people even think that blog that don’t get many comments from their readers look like a dead blogs, and give a negative impression that the blog is not too authority.

Although a blog that have many many comments doesn’t mean the blog is a high quality blog. But that’s a premise of some people.

However there’s a formula that could attract our readers to drop comments, like Wordpress comments plugins, these plugins would provoke your readers or visitors to give comments to any of your post.

1. Dofollow Plugin, by removing nofollow tag inside your comment page you have given your readers a reason to drop you a comments, and this Dofollow plugin would also increase number of spam comments to your blog.

2. Commentluv Plugin, this plugin will put commenter’s last post inside their comment. With CommentLuv, we are able to do it automatically! This is an excellent way to promote comments from your readers.

3. Top Commentators Widget, another way to attract more comments from readers is by installing The Top Commentators Widget, a sidebar widget to show the top commentators in your WP site.

4. Thread comment plugin, This Plugin is an enhancement for Wordpress’s comment function. It enables users to reply on a exist comment, and the discussion will be displayed threaded or nested. By this plugin our readers will be provoked to make long discussion, make sure to set 100 nest in the option, so the discussion could go on.

5. WP Comment Auto Responder It’s a further formula to encourage commenter to keep coming to our site after dropping a comment. The plugin will immediately send them soon after they make a comment to thank them or whatever you create in the setting options. And you could also invite them to continue the discussion.

After uncovering required plugins to attract readers to drop comments, you can also take some action like responding every comment or question of your readers.

Engaging with your readers will create tight relationship with your readers. Hope this post helps and see you in the next posts of Blog Tips Arena.

WordPress Plugin: How To Display Ads On Old Posts Only And Set It Position

Don’t want the ads like Adsense appear on the freshly published post? Then you can set the Adsense only appears on the old post. To do so you can use a WordPress plugin namely Ad Injection.

With Ad Injection you are not just be able to display Adsense on old post or page, you can even set to into existing content of your post, control the number of ads based on the length of your post, and limit who are able to view your Adsense, IP address and visitors referrer.

And Ad Injection supports not only Adsense but also other advertising market like Amazon Associates, Clickbank and TradeDoubler. And the position of the ad can be configured whether you want to the ad appears on the top or buttom of your post or in sidebar / widget area.

Ad Injection Plugin
Interested? You can download Ad Injection plugin here and install it.

5 WordPress SyntaxHighlighter Plugins

It is a good time to share something useful now, if you are looking for SyntaxHighlighter WordPress plugins for your blogging activity, I have listed 5 Syntax Highlighter plugins here you can use to simply paste your code inside the wrapping tags so you don’t need to parse > to be <.

With the Syntax Highlighter WordPress plugins you don’t have to firstly escaped the HTML entities before pasting your codes, since these plugins are designed to assist you handle the job.

Beside the above mentioned benefit you’ll get using one of these plugins, you will get another, because from now your codes will be presented more attractive to your readers because they line your codes neatly and color the code accordingly.

And these Wordpress Symtax plugins can format any code languages, such HTML, PHP, Python, ASP and runs.

SyntaxHighlighter WordPress Plugins

Want to automatically parse HTML, XHTML and any codes on your Wordpress blog? Then try one of these 5 Wordpress Syntax Highlighter plugins.

beautyOfCode; jQuery Plugin for Syntax Highlighting

jQuery Plugin for Syntax Highlighting

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved

SyntaxHighlighter Evolved



Google Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

Google Syntax Highlighter for WordPress

FV Code Highlighter

FV Code Highlighter
Previously I also posted an online free service that could parse your codes, namely BlogCrowds you can read in my post titled parse HTML code easily.

Parse Your HTML Code First Before Posting Tutorials

I would like to share a parse html services that are available in the internet, my purpose of sharing this information is for WordPress or Blogspot bloggers that LOVE to share tutorials and how to guide related posts which involving to post HTML and PHP codes.

But unfortunately not all them realize that the codes must firstly be parsed before they are published!

Parse Your HTML Code First Before Posting Tutorials
I know your intention for providing the tutorials to help others fellow bloggers online is sincere.

However, make sure you have set everything accordingly before presenting to your readers. Undefined codes you published is not going to give any help, let alone useful.

If your readers use your codes and past them to their themes or templates, then the sky will fall down on their heads. And you are the culprit of the turmoil.

For example do not use this ” but this ". Of course you don’t need to manually parse your code one by one, simply go to BlogCrowds and parse your codes there.

Or to be simpler just install Wp SyntaxHighlighter plugins if you are using a Wordpress based blog, In that post I have listed 5 most used plugins to syntax-highlighted codes (HTML, PHP, etc).

Monday, October 6, 2014

3 Related Post With Thumbnails For Blogger And Wordpress

If you want to show related post with thumbnail on your Blogspot blog, Wordpress or any other CMS. Then let me recommend you the 3 most popular and used free services that can be used to display related post with thumbnail.

These free services are not only giving you related post with thumbnail but also with very eye-catching designs and looks, your visitors's eyes won't avoid to see them and hopefully click the related posts to increase the page views of your blog.

Well here are the names of the services I am talking about, they are

  • LinkWithin.
  • Outbrain.
  • Nrelate.
They are pretty popular among blogger that prefer to use the third-party services rather than widget for Blogspot or plugins for Wordpress.

You can use one of them that you think serve you most, each of these services have their own superiority and shortcoming. And to install them is pretty easy no need to have a coding skill, simply copy and paste!

And I will give a short review to help you decide which one of these related post with thumbnail services that serve you most and deserves to be installed. But I recommend you to test them by yourself to find out which of which is displaying the most relevance posts.

3 Most Used Related Posts For Blogger And Wordpress

With related posts you can expect that your blog's page view will increase because this feature will inform your readers about other posts related to the one they are reading. So here the related post with thumbnail services you can try.

1. LinkWithin.

Related Post With Thumbnails LinkWithin
This is the first and most used related post, to use the service you don't need to make any registration just fill the data of you and your blog, then hit the Get Widget button then you will be provided with javascript code that you can copy to be pasted on your Blogspot template or Wordpress.

Visit LinkWithin.

2. Outbrain.

Related Post With Thumbnails Outbrain
On contrary to the LinkWithin, in Outbran you need to firstly register to use the service, then enter your blog's data to get the javascript code you need. The good thing about Outbrain is; you will receive reports containing stats which page that gets the most views and its CTR.

Visit Outbrain.

3. Nrelate

Related Post With Thumbnails Nrelate
You can register or not register to use this service, but if you register then you will enjoy all the feature offered by Nrelate, the feature I am talking about is stats of your pages, etc.

Visit Nrelate.
Those are three free related posts with thumbnails for Blogger and Wordpress that I think the best. Or you prefer to have the same without thumbnail? No worry you can head to create Blogspot related post.

How To Install Floating Buttons Of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus On Blogspot Or Wordpress

The guides to install Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus floating buttons beside Blogspot / Wordpress post.

Google Plus, Twitter, Facebook and StumbleUpon are the social networking services that created to expose our stories, blogs and thoughts to the world and get new friends. With those services you can reach people far from your radar.

Anyway speaking about those services, as bloggers we can also utilize them to spread our stories to people who can't find our blog through search engines, like Google or Yahoo!

My point is if your blog / post shared by a Facebook user to its Facebook profile, then their friends see your shared post, if they are interested they can visit your blog then read the post. From that, we will get visitors.

So services like Google +, Facebook or Twitter can be sources of traffic that we can generate by simply adding their buttons.

If we provide our visitors / readers with those social network buttons, they will easily share our post to their friends.

And in this post I will share to you the how to guide to install floating social networking buttons (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, StumbleUpon) at the right side of your post. Just like this.

How To Add Floating Buttons Of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus On Blogspot Or Wordpress

The reasons I prefer floating social media buttons style is more attractive and easily reach reader's attentions. As the result we can expect them to click one of the social media buttons.

Also learn on how to install a single Twitter count button style on Blogspot / Wordpress.

So how to install floating Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, StumbleUpon buttons on Blogspot?

  • Now login to your account.
  • Then go to layout.
  • Add the following codes to the HTML/Javascript (in add a gadget).
  • Save.
So how to add floating Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, StumbleUpon buttons on Wordpress?

  • Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets > Available Widgets.
  • Drag Text widget to sidebar.
  • Then now you need to paste in the code.
  • Save.
Here is the floating buttons codes for Google+, Facebook, Twitter and StumbleUpon.
<style type="text/css">
#pageshare {position:fixed; bottom:15%; margin-left:-71px; float:left; border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;background-color:#fff;padding:0 0 2px 0;z-index:10;}
#pageshare .sbutton {float:left;clear:both;/*bs-fsmsb*/margin:5px 5px 0 5px;}
<div id='pageshare' title="Get this from">
<div class='sbutton' id='like' style='margin-left:8px;'>
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "//";
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
<div class="fb-like" data-send="false" data-layout="box_count" data-width="40" data-show-faces="false"></div>
<div class='sbutton' id='rt'>
<script src="" type='text/javascript'></script>
<div class='sbutton' id='su'>
<script src=""></script>
<div class='sbutton' id='digg' style='margin-left:3px;width:48px'>
<a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='vertical' expr:data-text='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' data-via='BloggerSentral' data-related='' href=''>Tweet</a>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<div class='sbutton' id='gplusone'>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<g:plusone size="tall"></g:plusone>
</div><!-- Do not remove this link -->
Now you will see the floating buttons of Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and StumbleUpon on your Blogspot or Wordpress post.

Install Twitter Count Button On Blogspot / Wordpress Post

Today we would like to show you how to install Twitter count button on your Blogspot or Wordpress based blog. The reason we are doing that is to make our blog post shared on that very popular social network site.

Millions of people use Twitter now as their hangout place or to find a good content to read or following anyone they think deserve to be followed.

At the same, we can utilize Twitter to gain more traffic to our blog. Luckily it is easy to install Twitter count button within our posts -- whether below title or beneath blog's post.

And Twitter had officially provided number of looks and designs of their Twitter buttons. You can pick which one that you think the most fit with your blog's post.

How to install Twitter count button on Blogspot.

  • As usual login to your account.
  • Then to Template, and search for this tag.
  • Now you can add the following code to above or beneath that tag.
    <!-- Twitter tweet button Start -->
    <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
    <div style='text-align:left;padding:5px 5px 5px 0;'>
    <a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='vertical' expr:data-text='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' data-via='BloggerSentral' data-related='' href=''>Tweet</a>
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
    <!-- Twitter tweet button End -->
  • In the code above, look at the bolded vertical word, the button would look like this Twitter Count Button.
The vertical style button is the most-used I think.

So if you want to other design style, you can see from the reference below.

Twitter Count Button Types

For example if you choose horizontal rather than vertical look, then change the vertical on the code into horizontal.

How to install Twitter count button on Wordpress.

The process to install the button on Wordpress you can follow the instructions here.

  • You can login to your Wordpress blog.
  • To Appearance -> Editor.
  • Then click Single Post (single.php).
  • Add the code above to above or beneath this tag.
    <?php the_content(); ?>
The functions.

Once you have installed the Twitter button your Blogspot / Wordpress blog, the button will appear anywhere near your preferred post. So each time your reader found your post interesting they can simply hit the button and the hit will be counted.

If it is the first hit, then the interface will be like this.

Share WP / Blogspot Post To Twitter Site
Well done, all the steps neatly compiled. If you followed them correctly. You should now see the Twitter count button on your Wordpress or Blogspot post. Anyway if you prefer something more interesting, you can follow the instructions to add floating social media buttons on Blogspot / Wordpress too.

Create Demo Page URL For Your Wordpress Theme

Today I would like to share to you how to create a demo page for Wordpress theme. Let's say you just created or designed a great Wordpress theme and want to share (or sell) the theme, surely you need a demo page to tell people how the theme will run and look on browser.

And you want the demo page is in the same domain as your blog's domain, for example if your domain name is and the demo page url will be The URL will be your demo page url of your your Wordpress theme so your visitor will view its demo through it.

Here is the screenshot.
Create Demo Page URL Of Wordpress Theme

Having a demo page for your template or theme is like giving a potential buyer test-driving your car before they finally be convinced that your car is what they are looking for.

Interested? Let's do it.

How to create a demo page of Wordpress theme in the same domain name

1. Create a new folder or a new subdomain for demo.
2. Save the following code in Notepad or such, and name it index.html.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Theme Demo</title>
    body {
        background:#fff url( center center;
        font:normal normal 13px/normal Arial,Sans-serif;
    @font-face {
          font-family: 'Oswald';
          font-style: normal;
          font-weight: 400;
          src: local('Oswald Regular'), local('Oswald-Regular'), url( format('woff');
    #view {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        border: 0;
        position: fixed;
        top: 50px;
        left: 0;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 93%;
        background:url( center center;
        transition:all .4s ease-out;
    #tab-demo {
        font:normal 13px Arial, sans-serif;
    .closebutton {
        background:#66af33 url( 15px 50%;
        padding:0px 20px 0px 50px;
    a.closebutton {color:white;text-decoration:none}
    .closebutton:hover {background:#579c26 url( 15px 50%}
    .dlbutton:hover {background:#579c26 url( 15px 50%}
    .dlbutton, a.dlbutton {
        background:url( 15px 50%;
        padding:0px 20px 0px 55px;
  .demologo, a.demologo {
        background: url( left center;
        font-family:Oswald, Arial, Sans-serif;
        <div id='tab-demo'>
<a class='demologo' href=''>the theme name</a>
            <a class='dlbutton' href='' id='dl'>Download</a>
            <a class='closebutton' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='document.getElementById(&apos;tab-demo&apos;).style.display=&apos;none&apos;;document.getElementById(&apos;view&apos;);0&apos;;document.getElementById(&apos;view&apos;).style.height=&apos;100%&apos;'>Remove Frame</a>
<iframe id='view' src=''></iframe>
    function getQueryVariable(variable) {
        var query =;
        var vars = query.split("&");
        for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
            var pair = vars[i].split("=");
            if (pair[0] == variable) {
                return pair[1];
        return (false);
    window.onload = function() {
        var url  = getQueryVariable("url");
        var download  = getQueryVariable("download")
        document.getElementById('view').src = url;
        document.getElementById('dl').href = download;
See the line 092; change the with the real URL demo of yours.

Once you have created the above file, upload the file to your Wordpress root directory.

The url of the domain would be like this.


  • Change The URL OF Theme with your Wp theme URL Demo.
  • Change Download URL Is Here with the real download URL.