Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Optimize Blogspot URL Permalink To Be More SE Friendly

One of the shortcomings Blogger or Blogspot suffers when it comes to SEO is the permalink. This area is decided automatically by Blogger each time we publish an article.

Albeit permalink doesn't play a very significant role in SEO, but having this element optimized will be helping our blog's ranking too. Yes there are number of other factors Google uses to ranking a blog, and SEO permalink could be one of them. I am not sure the size portion. Of course you'd agree with me having all area optimized is better for SEO like writing more SEO friendly description for our Blogspot.

Beside, isn't that better having all the words included in URL to clearer our point? Rather than exclude some words that supposed to be helping Google identify our posts better.

Sometimes we post a lengthy title containing about 5 or 7 words or more, but not all the words are included in the permalink. For example.

I Love To Wake Up In The Morning And Then Take A Cup Of Coffee.
The permalink would be.
And the rest of the words in our title are excluded, the permalink doesn't include the and take a cup of coffee line. That seems like hiding something. Right?

But that is the old days, now Blogger has added a new feature to deal with the situation with the feature named Custom Permalink.

Custom permalink is very handy feature, albeit it's not an automatic feature that will show all the words in our post title. However with that feature you can write your own permalink without words limitations. Isn't that wonderful?

Anyway you can find this feature while writing a post, point your eyes to the right-side of the screen, this is its place. Write all the words that you need Google to discover in your permalink so your post will explain itself clearer than before.
Blogger Custom Permalink
You are free to write your own permalink there and include all the words you regard important!

Hope this post useful you. Now each time you write a blog post, take sometime to write your own version of permalink to be more search engine friendly and help Google recognize your post better than before. Hopefully your posts will rank better and better in Google search result page.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Recover From Panda Algorithm Hit By Removing Duplicate Contents (Blogger Complete Guides)

Duplicate Conten Panda Algoritm Hit Recover
Avoid duplicate content by noindex search label and mobile page on your Blogger is very important if you don't want to suffer the so-called Google Panda algorithm hit.

Duplicate content is probably the worst enemy for every blogger that practicing SEO.

Yes I have read many times, including the one from Matt Cutts saying that duplicate content won't hurt. But bitter realities we suffer from duplicate content is opposite from his saying. Duplicate content does hurt our site.

The easiest way to know whether your blog / website has duplicate content or not, is by searching your site using this key then Google will display number of indexed pages.

And then compare the number of results from Google search result with the number of your own published articles.

For example if you own about 500 articles, but Google displays 1000 results. The rest of 500 is duplicate content.

My Google Panda penalty experience.

At the early 2014, my technology blog got hit by Panda for the first time, it was a bad hit that dropped my traffic almost %100. Below is the screenshot of Panda penalty suffered by my blog.

Traffic Dropped By Panda Penalty
Usually I got 8 or 9 thousands visitors everyday, but since the January, 11, 2014 my traffic started to drop and keep dropping to 157 visitors/day.

Can you imagine how unpleasant the situation was for me? I had to make some accurate fix to bring back the traffics to its original level.

And now the traffic of the blog is gradually increasing, not yet to the point I am targeting, but it's increasing time to time.

What have I done to recover from Google Panda hit? The answer will be shared here just keep reading.

What is duplicate content?

In the realm of blogging, that simply means a page that has more than one URLs. For example is your A Article has 2 URLs like this;

Those two URLs will point to the same content page, that causes trouble for search engines like Google to determine which URL is the original and should be shown on their result page.

Panda algorithm

Google uses the so-called Panda algorithm to evaluates blogs indexed to its server, Panda's job to internally and routinely scan those blogs and then decide whether the blogs are important (deserve to get good rankings) or just bunch of paltry blogs.

And duplicate content is one of the unknown factors used by Panda algorithm to evaluate and measure whether the blog should be ranked good or be dropped as lowest possible.

And of course Panda receives all the data from Google Robots (bots) that regularly crawl and index our blog. Those bots could make many mistakes during crawling and indexing our blogs.

Do you know that Google bots can make a mistake? Yes the can make a destructive mistake which is still indexing the no-index pages, albeit we have set no index sign on robots.txt (disallow) file or meta robot tag on head area.

And then those Google bots hand the indexed data to Panda to examine and decide to rise or topple the ranking of blogs in questions.

Google panda algorithm penalty is one domain level penalty that means if one, two, three or fours of your articles penalized or got hit by Panda than your entire domain will also bear the consequence, being punished entirely, your rank will drop to the level of your worst nightmare.

Panda targets on...

Several main areas that this algorithm is targeting are all internal side of your blog, they are...

  • Duplicate contents among your posts, URLs, or from other blogs.
  • Low quality blog and articles.
  • Content farm blog.
  • Article that is too short, less than 50 words, can trigger Panda hit (they say).
  • Place many advertisements could raise Panda eyebrows too.
But in this post I just want to focus on the duplicate contents that happen to my blog, not this blog, the other one.

Therefore if you feel like owning low quality articles, or too short articles or your blog has too many advertisements, then you know what to do.

Following are my quick tips to deal with thin contents and advertisements.

Deal with too short articles or thin articles.

Edit those too short articles or remove them from your blog, yes remove them if you think that's  a better solution.

Place only three ads at maximum.

As for the advertisements be sure to only place 3 ads at maximum for a single page.

And again this post only focuses on duplicate contents by URLs.

So before the mistakes kill your blog entirely, it's time to direct these bots to the right pages and leave the shouldn't be indexed pages alone.
No!..Canonical URL doesn't help too much, at least for me!

People routinely suggest to use URL canonization by that Google bots will only take the canonized URL as reference.

Yet, the rest of non-canonical URLs are still indexed and appear on Google result pages that create duplication of the real contents or canonized URL.

In Blogger, we are provided with labels to categorized our articles, and those articles are archived monthly and then there is Mobile friendly URL too for optimizing the look to the smaller devices.

But that's the main issue, because URLs from labels, archives and also mobile are all indexed and those unnecessary index has created so many not-useful contents appear on Google search result pages.

As the result they are marked as duplicate contents by Panda algorithm.

It is time to put an end of the misery and set the search labels URLs, mobile URL and archives URLs excluded from Google index.
In this post you will find of what I have done to recover from Google Panda Algorithm hit that caused my blog dying and need to be taken care of.

Recover from Panda Algorithm Hit by removing duplicate contents in Google result pages for Blogger.

In this section you will find several steps that I consecutively performed to optimize number of areas in my Blogger blog.

All of the steps relate to removing duplicate contents. In Blogger, area that can

How to noindex unnecessary URL to avoid duplicate content in Blogspot

We will be dealing with search label, archive and mobile URL (m). These kind of urls contain too many words that duplicate with the real posts that should be indexed and ranked as high as possible in Google result pages.

Noindex and remove search label URL Blogspot

Blogger's Search label URLs can contribute considerable amount of duplicate contents if your blog has many labels.

It is recommended for these kind of URLs not be indexed if you suffer content duplications and currently get Panda hit.

Use robots.txt.

So to noindex is you can use Robot.txt and place it like this.

Disallow: /search/labels/

Use meta tag.

Aside using robot.txt, you can also place the meta tag to tell Google robots no to index the search label and its url. So inside <head>, paste the following tag.

<b:if cond='data:blog.searchLabel'>
      <meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>
See the image below for example.

nonindex search label

Remove search label URL from Google

You can also remove the already indexed search label URLs from Google, by using remove URL utility in Google Webmaster Tools.

  1. Find the Blogger search label URL that's already indexed, (do so by typing this in Google; site:
  2. Then login to your Google Webmaster Tool account, then pick your blog from the list.
  3. Google Index -> Remove URL, then paste the blogger search label URL to the provided form (Create A New Removal Request) and then hit Continue.
Remove URLs Google Webmaster Tools
Now all you need is waiting for Google to update by excluding all the indexed search label URLs from their result pages.

Noindex and remove Blogspot archive URL from Google

Archive is for our readers finding the articles published in certain times, monthly, weekly or yearly.

The idea of archiving our posts is good, but since Google robots are like a 3 years old boy, they hardly differentiate between archive URL and the real URL, they index them all and mark them as duplicate contents, that's bad.

Thus it's better to keep these URLs away from Google's bots sight by set it noindex and remove them all from Google index.

Use meta robot tag.

You can disallow Google from indexing archive by simply paste the following command line in your <head> template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;archive&quot;'>
<meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>

See the image as reference.

noindex Blogspot archive URL
Use header tag

You can also utilize the owned blogger Custom Robots Header Tags to noindex archive URL that can create duplicate content for single post of yours. You can set it just like in the following picture.

(Settings -> Search Preferences).

Remove archive URL from Google index.

If your archive URLs indexed by Google and they are shown on the search result pages.

You should also remove the Archive URLs from Google result the same way you have removed search label URLs through Google Webmaster Tools (see the image above.

Noindex and remove mobile URL (m) from Google result

Mobile url like this; ?m=0 or ?m=1 at the end of your URL can definetely create a trouble.

All those M urls appear on the Google result pages, sometime they compete to the original URL, and this can alarm Google Panda to think your blog is not correctly maintained.

I suggest you to also deal with these kind of URLs too.

Use Robots.txt

Robots.txt can be our helper to deal with almost many duplicate contents, it can also help you disallow Google to index mobile URLs, therefore paste the lines of cones below to forbid Google from indexing them.

Disallow: /?m=1
Disallow: /?m=0
Disallow: /*?m=1
Disallow: /*?m=0
Disallow: /*/*/*.html?m=0
Disallow: /*/*/*.html?m=1

Use meta robots tag.

Sometime we need to add more warning to emphasize our command to Google robots, therefore add the following meta tag inside your <head>.

<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobile'>
      <meta content='noindex,nofollow' name='robots'/>

See the image.
noindex mobile URL

Remove Mobile (m) URL from Google results

Complete your efforts removing the entire mobile URLs from Google by removing the already indexed mobile URLs. The procedure is the same like removing search label URLs in Google Webmaster Tools.


Beside applying the above techniques, I also checked all the low quality articles on my blog. The low quality articles that only has less words, not too informative and also duplicate with other articles.

So I edit those articles and combine the number of short articles into one lengthy articles, and I also delete many of other articles that I know won't help me if they are kept.

And those action seem to works. The blog traffic is gradually increasing now.


All the above procedures will of course omitting the possible duplicate contents that attacking your Blogger Blogspot, by applying the procedures you have at least do something to fix the problem that possible caused you a Panda algorithm hit.

Now all you need to do is wait for the update, hopefully you will recover from Panda hit.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Tips To Generate Blog Traffic Using Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools

The main purpose to practice SEO is because we want to get as many blog visitors as we can. If not because of that purpose, there is no need to actively optimize our blog. In this post I would like to share to my readers some tips to generate traffic to our blog using the Google Webmaster Tools.

If you have known on how to make a blog, then you have understood that your blog needs visitors. To get the visitors, we need to do on-page and off-page optimizations. On-page is relating to optimizations we do inside our blog, like writing an article is one of them. In writing an article we have to find and play with right keywords.

That's the purpose of this article which is to invite you doing keyword researches to get the right keywords for your articles. This post is a sequence of my previous post titled Rightest Way To Find Most Searched Keywords In Google. But in this post we are using Google Webmaster Tools service.

The topic will be divided into two sections.

  • First one is finding the high impressions keywords.
  • And the second one is a short tips to optimize the keywords.

Finding keywords with high impressions.

The very first thing you need to do is of course logging into your Google Webmaster Tools account.

If you are on the Google Webmaster Tools dashboard, then select the blog you wish to optimize. You will be directed to the selected blog's dashboard.

To generate traffic to your blog, keyword is one of the keys, you need to target the keywords that are potentially good for increasing your blog's traffic. To do so you can open the Search Traffics -> Search Queries.

You will now see a report containing keywords graphic and most keywords used by Google's users to get to your blog.
Traffic Search Query

As you can see from there are three keywords with different impressions. From that picture you can see that keyword B has the highest impressions (1.600). By the keyword B you have a big chance to generate extra and big blog traffic.

Why do I say a big chance? Please to point your attention to the Average (Avg)-position that only 5.5, meaning from the three keywords only keyword B has the lowest average position. Lowest position relates to lower click rate. As you can see the keyword B has only get 4% for its CTR.

So imagine if you optimize the keyword B and manage to increase its avg-position to 1.5? Of course it will also raise the CTR to the level of 50% that will automatically boost up your click numbers from 60 to 800 clicks.

Time to optimize the keywords

Since you have known the potential keywords, it's time to optimize the keywords. Of course SEO is needed. In now days, SEO is not just throwing links to dofollow websites / blogs like 3 or 4 years ago. Google has set a new strict rule regarding link-building campaigns. Penguin is the watcher, if your blog is fallen in Penguin-hunting season, then it will be extremely hard to recover. Therefore don't spam just to get ranking, because the effect is a total destruction.

Get quality backlink, but don't spam, pour comments on the blogs that being highly trusted by Google. Google ranks website / blog based on trust, if your blog is trusted by Google, the rest of the jobs will be easier. Trust me on that!

And practice internal link-building, meaning link to your other posts (the post you are optimizing) and use the variety of keywords as texts. Don't just use the same keywords time to time, Google dislikes that. Make sure each linked post has the same topic, this will increase the point of the link.

Last but not least, write a quality content. Quality content is content that's really helping your readers with complete information, communicative, and don't forget to include reference to other blogs. Let Google know that you have made research before writing the post.

So what are you waiting for? Use Google Webmaster Tools as your SEO tool to help your generate more traffics to your blog.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Places To Find The Most Popular Keywords In The Internet

Internet Popular Keywords
Places to find the most popular keywords on the internet. Getting a high targeted traffic is probably the most wish of every Blogger that puts a lot of attentions to earn an extra revenue from blogging.

Of course when talking about traffic, automatically we talk about Search Engines, the places where people type for certain keyphrases/keywords to find information they need.

And it’s very advisable if a blogger is aware on the most or popular search keywords that people search every day on popular search engines. The following I listed of web’s query stream to find the most searched keyword.

The sites can be good places for any Bloggers to discover the most popular keywords people search in those giant search engines, and put good efforts to optimize the keywords to generate a high targeted traffic to your blog.

You can also follow the guides I wrote here to find the most searched keywords on Google.

2 Simple Answers To Increase Traffic To A Blog

Increase Blog Traffic
I am frequently asked by my friends in BBM or Whatsapp about how to generate and increase high traffic to a blog, this is a general question for any bloggers.

To tell you the truth you have known the answer, but it’s probably you have not practiced it quite serious.

Getting traffic to blog is of course tightly related to make our visitors happy. When you have number of happy visitors, your eyes will see the rate of your blog's bounce will decrease (the smaller the bounce the better).

Less bounce rate means your readers spend more time in your blog, the time they take while staying on our blog depends how many words they read. The more words they read will keep them longer on your blog, if that happens your bounce rate will decrease.

And Google monitors our visitors activities, and will decide your blog's relevancy with keywords your visitors's search on Google. If your visitors stay long, Google will think your content is indeed relevant with the keywords.

So in the future, if someone else search for the same keywords, your blog will be on the first list to be shown on Google SERP.

And how to achieve that and how to make our visitors happy? That's of course related on two (in my humble opinion) which are how we maintain our blog and our style of writing. Yes I believe our writing style can be a factor on helping our position on Google search engine result.

Writing Sylte Blog

So what's the writing style I am talking about?

Perhaps you are asking the question, the meaning our style of writing is simply to write as clear as possible to make our reader easily understand with the point we are trying to deliver.

To create that kind of joyful condition, you should overcome the material you are bringing on your post.

That will of course ease your job to write and accommodate your readers to catch the points.

People use to say to write a quality content, I agree with that, quality content means to motivate us to really write a content seriously, not just blazing words then publish just to keep update.

You are a blogger, you should help your readers find solutions, your articles should be their helper and solutions.

Try to read your published posts, then ask a question to yourself afterward; will I be helped with this article? Your answer should be honest, place yourself in your readers's shoes. If your answer No, this won't help, or less helping, then find the areas on your post that need to be improved.

A tip from me; try to find other blog that shares the same topic; read the entire post. And compare the post with your post. See which one is help more, and which one is less helping. Try to see what makes other's blog post is better than yours.

How we maintain our blog.

Maintain Blog Regularly

This section is of course related to keep keep updating your blog regularly and doing an ethical promotion. Google does like a blog that's live, not a dead blog, with rarely maintained.

Well if you are expecting visitors with only two or three posts only, then you are expecting a sun will rise in west.

If you don’t take your blog life seriously, you won’t get amount of traffic you wish, trust me on that. Just do everything consistently now. You’ll be surprised for future outcome.:D

So as a summary...

Update your blog continually with your with fresh contents, an educative, an informative and an entertaining content are the most wanted by readers, they will look forward hungrily for the next update if they found your blog meet their like and of course Google love it too.

That means update your blog with your writing style, the style that with one purpose only which is make your readers easily understand the points with complete, clear and correct information.

Don't forget to also see the most searched keywords in Google post, there you will find the topics people frequently search in Google reported monthly.

You will be told how many searches people do for certain keywords monthly and the competitions. From that report you can start posting articles related to the most searched keywords.

Promote your blog, you can do it aggressively or gradually depends on your method. But I suggest do it cleverly by following an ethical techniques to protect your site being banned by search engines.

You can use the available promoting services like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc. Also you can submit to the big social bookmarking sites.

Of course there is a plenty of roads on this issue. Take the ones that widely trusted to generate traffic for you.

That’s the whole point, the rest relies on you! That's 2 simple answer to increase traffic to your blog. And see you in the next post.

Build 3 Level Blogs To Get Powerful Blogs

Blog Level
The more web sites, blogs etc. you got, the better your chances of linking. Let’s say you have a decent site and a good blog, now you can get two links from the same directory you are submitting to.

This way you have more leverage, furthermore you can link to yourself as well. Please note that Google shouldn’t be aware of the fact that you are linking to your own sites if you don’t want to lose link power.

If Google knows that your sites are related, your links will count less. Therefore you shouldn’t use Adsense on all of your sites. Google can see your Adsense ID and therefore they’ll know who owns the site. Try to separate your sites into 3 categories (if your sites apply for them)

  • Bronze → Very low quality, slightly spammy, spun articles, PLR content.
  • Silver → good quality content, containing secondary affiliate programs, secondary revenue streams.
  • Gold → High quality content, supreme quality site, your main money making sites.
Now this is how you can build your network of links.

  • Your bronze sites can link to your other bronze sites, they can also link to your silver sites and gold sites.
  • Your silver sites can link to other silver sites and they can link to your gold sites as well.
  • Your gold sites can link to your other gold sites.
Never link downwards from your gold/silver sites to your bronze sites. Always link “up” in the ranking. Bronze to Bronze/Silver/Gold, Silver to Silver/Gold and Gold to Gold.

Building our network we want to use third party hosted sites like Blogger (Blogspot) Squidoo, Hub pages and I consider them silver sites, that’s why we want to build good links to those pages.

We want to use these silver sites to point/link to our gold sites, which we host ourselves. That’s how you start building a network using your own sites and sites like Squidoo.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Content Is Not Enough, You Also Need Traffic

Because of inspired with an article I previously read while doing blogwalking. Therefore, I decided to participate in his thought of making our blog more likable. Apparently there’s one imperative aspect that he missed which has made his article less than complete.

The article focus only about content, I have no problem with that. Content is a must for a blog to climb a mountain of success. But content without visitor would have been a grave for every blogger.Who would notice our magnificent content, if no one’s there to see it?

When the above question raises, Promotion is the answer. You get to promote your blog at the maximum way as you can. Do whatever it takes to boost your blog visibility and popularity, and don’t give up hope easily, if the fruit you desire has not yet coming. Because promotion takes time and requires alot of efforts.

People like Darren Rowse John Chow & Shoemoney take a great deal of effort to promote their blogs along with enriching their contents. Your blog is like a house and content is the interior part of the house. Nobody will find out your luxurious furnitures you put to adorn interior without you invite them to come in and look, this goes in blogging too.

After the preparation to enrich your content is completed, then start to invite as many people as you can to come in and enjoy the marvelous content you offer. Last, but certainly not the least is consistency, to appeal the attention of your visitor and convert them from first time visitor to be loyal visitors, you get to be consistent in providing quality contents and keep updating.

Don’t be lazy to update your blog. Because visitor love fresh and new content everyday. This will absorb them to come to your blog everyday, or at least your blog will be their regular read list.

Once you have the two important factors combined, money will be the final outcome for you.

Content Traffic Money
The reason I write this because I like to keep things related to each other, Promotion and content are inseparable aspects. One know not as to whether his blog liked after receiving feedback by its visitors, and the visitors will not come by themselves without us do some serious promotion.

Automatically Create Internal Links Building In Wordpress Blog

Today I would like to talk about SEO and WordPress, I hope that anyone visit this page can gain useful knowledge.

We all know that we are in the Google Panda era, a lot of drastic changes added by Google to improve its crawling and indexing process in order to increase user experience using Google.

One of the many changes of Google Panda is internal link got bigger portion in ranking a Blog in Google result page.

In the old days, we hunt external linking to skyrocket our position — don’t get me wrong this factor is still legit — however it’s opening the door for spam activity all over the places.

Therefore in Google panda era, internal link is pushed up to the higher level in deciding a blog's ranking in Google and to identify a blog's relevancy.

Internal linking is regarded is not simply to vote other posts, but Google thinks that the link is our efforts to help our readers to find the relevance posts from the one they are reading.

That’s why Google loves this activity very much...

Let’s build internal linking campaign to your WordPress blog.

Let’s pick your targeted keywords and keyphrase to be linked by all your posts that mention the keywords. Yes this going to be fun activity.

However you might be asking yourself, so do I have to edit my all my posts incuding old posts or pages? If that so, I have hundreds or may be thousands of pages.

Don’t worry my friends, you don’t have to go into that trouble. Because there is WordPress plugin can help you out!

Automatic SEO Links

First off this Wordpres plugin is free, stop opening your Paypal account, okey? With Automatic SEO Links WP plugin you can link to your older, newer or your most latest posts and pages automatically.

I know there are number of WordPress plugins can do similar jobs as Automatic SEO Links, but I prefer this one. Because of its easiness compared with others.

This plugin can be found in the WordPress repository plugin, and once you’ve activated it you can continue to its configuration settings to start linking any posts in your WP blog.

Here is the settings page looks like.

Simply add the new “add link” to start linking to any internal link of your choice.

Automatic SEO WordPress Plugin Settings
Let say I want the WordPress tutorials category to be linked by all my posts that included the WordPress Tutorials keywords within. Then I fill the setting exactly as the following.

Automatic SEO WP Plugin Settings

Additionally: You can set the link to be “nofollow”, do this if you are linking to affiliate link or links you are doubt its authority, or leave it as is for “dofollow” rel. And there is Target option, whether you want the link to be opened in the same tab or new tab.


  • The Automatic SEO Links only links to one keywords or keyphrase between (among) the same keywords in one single post. For example, if in one of your post there are 5 “SEO for WordPress” keywords, then this plugin only link to one keywords. This to avoid the repetitive keywords linking in one post.
  • The Automatic SEO Links only links to keywords or keyphrases in the post and page, NOT in the header, sidebar, footer. Thus your blog won’t be fulled with links.
  • Again, this plugin is free.
  • Now you can start internal linking campaign in your blog and optimize the keywords you are hunting. And the keywords will instantly and automatically wrapped with links from your posts.
Interested to give it a try? Then visit the Automatic SEO Links page in WordPress repository.

This automatic internal link building plugin will help you becoming a successful blogger and dominate Google SERP.

How To Be A Successful Blogger And Dominate Google

How to be a Successful Blogger And Dominate Google?

To be a successful blogger, is not really hard if you have known all the requirements to compete with other blogs. And I will share information from my almost 5 years to be a blogger. I hope you will get fruitful idea and thoughts from what I have written in this post.
Successful BloggerWhen you talk about a successful blog, it means that people — I mean your readers and loyal visitors — love you and your blog. If that so, everything will be a lot easy. Whatever you say, people would trust you and whatever you sell, people would buy. Because they believe you.
Now the problem is, before talking about readers let alone the loyal ones, your blog must be found first by them. There are several ways to make your blog found by your audience. Through Search Engines and social medias.
We all know the biggest traffic a blog gets is through search engine, like Google. Google is the biggest traffic deliverer to our blog. Therefore making our blog to be a Search Engine friendly blog is a must.
We have to make Google and other search engine bots understand quickly toward our blog structure, so they will not find any difficulty when indexing our blog.
Google and other giant search engines love a blog that has:
  1. Well-structured, well-coded, well-optimized and users friendly.
  2. Well-written content.
  3. Fast loading.

How to make Google and other search engines love our blog

Remember the following services or products I recommend below are not free, they are premium products. So let’s get started and read them one by one.

SEO Optimize And Well-Coded Themes

1. It is highly recommended that your WordPress theme is well-structured, well-coded, user friendly and SEO-optimized blog. They are many such themes on the internet — both free and premium themes — in this page I will not share them all, only the themes I have used and feeling satisfied. They are Genesis and Thesis framework themes.

Genesis Framework Theme

Genesis FrameWork Theme
Genesis framework theme, is the reputable WordPress theme. Many top bloggers use the theme, not because a mere trend it is because they know this theme is providing the best features and well-coded. You can read their reviews on the net if you don’t trust me. You can visit Genesis framework theme official site from this link (affiliate link).
And the good thing about Genesis is it has dozens of Child themes — free or premium child themes — to see all the premium child themes, you can visit this link or visit my complete collection of Genesis child themes.

Thesis Framework Theme

Thesis Framework Theme
Thesis theme is the second best if you are looking for the SEO-optimize and well-coded theme. Using Thesis you will help search engines to index your internal blog easily. I recommend this theme. Interested with Thesis? You can visit the official site to buy it. (My affiliate link)

Makes Your Content SEO friendly

Scribe SEO
After your WordPress theme is SEO-optimized, the next aspect you should consider is optimizing your content to make your readers and Google love it. As the result, your content will be ranked as high as possible. To do so, Scribe SEO will help you, by choosing the right keyword, compelling the keywords and adding incoming links to add more quality to your content.
Scribe SEO is a WordPress plugin that will guide you to make the most SEO content possible directly inside WordPress interface. Once you have installed the plugin, it will help you in analyzing keywords and tell you how many backlinks the content needs in order to dominate Google search result page — also searching internal links from other post of yours that are relevant to your unpublished post.
So dominate Google and make your readers understand quickly your content is all about, and love it. Visit Scribe SEO official website here. (Affiliate link)

Solid Web Hosting

Solid Web Hosting Hostgator Hosting
Never underestimate the power of solid web hosting for your SEO campaign, remember several aspects among many other aspects Google use to rank website is how fast your website loads and it’s stability. If you use a bad web hosting company to store your website, there is a chance you will get a disappointing performance of your blog.
Therefore many SEO experts place “solid web hosting” aspect to their customers. And base from my experiences using web hosting companies, Hostgator is the best among the best. My websites load so fast — just like the blog you are reading now — and never experience down time.
Recommending Hostgator is very acceptable and smart recommendation, by which I recommend you Hostgator as web host to stores your precious blog.
And after you have met all the aspects written above, you can continue picking the niche you are good with. And learn how to write the perfect and informative content for your readers. And I hope you all the best and remember one thing, being a successful blogger is not that hard.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rightest Way To Find Most Searched Keywords In Google

Keyword Research
Choosing right keywords is very important. Because if you choose wrong keywords then don't blame anyone if your blog seems like a cemetery. That means you will get very less blog traffic.

So to avoid that, in this post I would like to share a little tips on how to make keyword research or targeting the right keywords that hopefully could help you find the keywords to be targeted.

Actually in internet there are many methods to find most searched keywords. The most popular one is using Google Adwords; Keyword Planner.

But if I can be honest the Google Adwords; Keyword Planner is not really an aptly solution to search keyword. Why? Because of the following two reasons;

  • Keywords from Google Adwords are limited.
  • Already used by many people / bloggers.
In this post I won't use Keyword Planner to find the most searched keywords, instead I use the feature just to see the searches amounts of each keywords and the competitions.

Are you curious? Then continue reading this post.

How to make a keyword research or find the most searched keywords in Google

Following you will find the rightest way to perform keyword research to find the most searched keywords in Google, you will end up getting huge traffic flowing to your blog like rains.

But of course high traffics don't come easily, there is a tight competitions you must win for the keywords that popularly and most searched by people.

We will be using a handy tool namely Ubersuggest. This tool will present keywords related to topic we search but with more various results compared with Google Adwords: Keyword Planner.

Once we got the keywords from the tool, we will then use Google Adwords: Keyword Planner to check how many searches people did on that keywords and how tight the competition is.

Steps to use

1. Open this url; ke

2. You will find an interface where you are required to fill a keyword and select the country and type of content. Like this.

3. For example, if you want to target the Android, then fill the blank form with Android.
4. And if you want to target visitors from US, then set it English US. So the tool will give all the keywords from the country using English.
5. Enter the CAPTCHA and then hit the Suggest button.
6. Now you will be presented with list of keywords suggestions based on main keyword you typed which is Android.
7. Now hit the Select All Keywords.
8. Now click on Get.

9. Now copy all the keywords, then paste them all to notepad or any other similar app, save it using file.txt name.

10. Now login to Google Adwords: Keyword Planner

  • Click "Get traffic estimates for a list of keywords"
  • Upload the keyword file you previously saved, the file.txt.
  • Now click Get estimates

11. Click "Download".
Cari Keyword
Tips before you hit the download, you can change the "Match types" "Exact Match" to get the more accurate data.

12. Select the .CSV format file then click Download

Download Keyword

13. Open the CSV file, now you can select which keywords get the most search amounts and the competitions from the list.
Kata Kunci Mantab

Easy, wasn't it? Of course.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Fastest Way To Be Indexed By Google For New Blog And Posts

This is the fastest way to be indexed by Google for your new blog or new posts. You should use the method recommended here. If you wish the fastest indexing process.

There was a time that we wished Google had indexed our blog / posts faster, so we would gain benefits from it. It was past, when the time can not control the indexing speed.

But until Google released the "Fetch as Google" feature in Google Web Master Tools about 3 4 years ago. With it now we can instantly submit our new blog / posts to be immediately indexed and appear on Google Search Result page.

If you have been facing troubles regarding indexing over your new posts, the most recommended solution for you is Fetch as Google. With it your new blog or post will be instantly indexed, it takes only a minute or two, sometimes the indexing process is only less than a minute.

The process is pretty simply, you need to register / add your blog to Google Web Master Tools. Once it's fully added you can further click on the Fetch as Google feature under the Crawl menu on the right sidebar on your screen.
Fastest Way To Be Indexed By Google

If you want to submit your new blog then simply click the Fecth button. Or if it's your post / page that you wish to be indexed, simply paste the permalink. Like this.

Here is the example, as for me I want to submit this post URL, I simply paste this URL; "2014/01/fastest-way-to-be-indexed-by-google.html" to the provided form then hit the Fetch button.

Indexed By Google Fastest Way

Finish my friend. The process is amazingly simply but the effect is magnificent. You don't need a day or two to be indexed, you don't even need a backlink points to your blog or its post. Simply fetch it as if you are Google. You should use it daily.

Now all you need just wait a minute or two at maximum. Check it whether Google has indexed your blog or its posts via Google com.

You need to remember that this method only make your newly blog or its post indexed faster, but not helping its ranking in Google search result page.

Done! That's the fastest way to be indexed by Google that I highly recommended for you. If you have any question then don't be shy to reveal it.